Saturday Morning Basketball
This takes place in Fall/Winter in the Saint Francis Xavier School gym. It is a program to help youngsters develop skills and good sportsmanship. Also provides leadership training to teens who work with the younger children.
Saint Michael the Archangel Festival
This is an annual three-day Mission and celebration hosted by our parish at the beginning of May, honouring Saint Michael and providing an opportunity for those of Italian heritage to celebrate common bonds of faith and culture.
Men’s Home-Based Bible Study and Prayer Group
We are a group of men, always open to interested others, who join once a week in a member’s home to read and discuss Scripture and other spiritual writings. Our primary focus is to help each other apply God’s principles in everyday life, in areas like personal integrity, marriage, parenting, and employment; also to share […]
Family Life and Social Life Activities Committee
This committee organizes a variety of activities designed to promote family togetherness and to provide fun and community-building social opportunities for the whole parish: movie nights, trips, suppers, treats, parish picnic, winter carnival, and much more. Always in need of new ideas and extra hands to help.
Card Club
Card Club takes place every Friday evening from September to June, and is a wonderful social gathering of good friends, cards, refreshments, and great conversation. Periodic bus trips for shopping or casino are also organized.