Ushers (Ministers of Hospitality)
These are the men and women who greet parishioners at the doors, help them be seated, take up the collections, distribute parish bulletins, answer people’s questions, and assist in numerous other ways to make Weekend Masses go smoothly. Open to those of high school age and older.
Saturday Morning Basketball
This takes place in Fall/Winter in the Saint Francis Xavier School gym. It is a program to help youngsters develop skills and good sportsmanship. Also provides leadership training to teens who work with the younger children.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
A Christ-centred community whose goal is to always see the face of Christ in the poor in our midst. Provides food and other support to local needy households, together with other kinds of charitable work aimed at relieving the suffering of the poor.
Saint Michael the Archangel Festival
This is an annual three-day Mission and celebration hosted by our parish at the beginning of May, honouring Saint Michael and providing an opportunity for those of Italian heritage to celebrate common bonds of faith and culture.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA is a process for working with adults who want to become Catholics, preparing them for initiation into the Church through Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, and the Eucharist. There are weekly gatherings. A parish team collaborates with the candidates’ sponsors (some of whom are parish-appointed) to instruct and guide those who are journeying.
Retreats and Pilgrimages
Many opportunities are available every year for travel to shrines and other places of pilgrimage, here and abroad. The ladies named here can help keep you aware of what sort of pilgrimage might assist your devotion and spiritual growth.
Public School Religious Education
Children who do not attend Catholic schools, or are in need of catch-up instruction for the sacraments, are assisted (through correspondence courses and occasional meetings) to learn our faith and prepare to celebrate the sacraments.
Prayer Intentions Network Ministry
This is a ministry of quiet prayer for people’s needs. Prayer intentions are taken from the boxes at the church entrances, from calls to the Rectory Office, or from requests to the Group Leader, and distributed through email or by telephone to Prayer Network members, who pray on their own time for the various needs. […]
People of Life Prayer Group
This group meets every Monday at 5:00 P.M. in the church, to pray the Rosary and to reflect on Church teachings promoting the right to life of all human beings, especially the unborn, the disabled, and the terminally ill.
Parish Council
Our Parish Council is a group of representative parishioners who meet monthly, together with the parish staff, to gather and share information about the needs of the parish community, and to develop and help implement a shared vision for the parish’s pastoral growth and Christ-like outreach to others.